Core Values

a Better World 

"Building your vision, creating your success."

Part of Speed Line Group, and considered as one of the reliable contractor in Africa, Speed Line Construction «SLC» is capable of competing in the Petroleum, energy and industrial market sectors, in accordance with its defined business plan strategies.
With its highly skilled professionals, and its powerful management tools SLC is committed to deliver construction projects according to:
        - Project Quality chart
        - Project cost
        - Project Time schedule
        - Project HSE policy
SLC is equipped with performant and a solid management system, which allow the management for real-time control of project logistics and project budget.

« SLC has both the experience and capability to design and build world class facilities for
the Petroleum, energy and industrial sectors.»




SLC respond to the unique industrial construction needs of clients as per industry and country requirement. 

In addition to offering construction management services, SLC offers a full range of general contracting services, specializing in mechanical, civil, and electrical construction, as well as piping and plant shutdowns/turnarounds. 

No matter the project size or complexity SLC offers substantial construction experience, competitive pricing, financial strength, integrity, and a commitment to your project that is supported by a foundation of quality and workplace safety.